Her peach shaped ass and large breasts. Her breast that I had glimpsed a few minutes earlier with her partially erect nipple. Was my chance about to come to see my previously very private mom wearing nothing but a lace bra, which was virtually see through and matching panties. Would I even be lucky enough that she may actually swap her panties right in front of me. I might see her naked. The effect this possibility was having on me was straining against my shorts. Would my cotton shorts hold out as my hard on pushed it's way through the cotton. I was half expecting to hear a tearing sound as my cock won that battle. At least the cushion on my lap was camouflaging my erection.Mom picked up the panties, thought for a moment and pointed towards her room. “I’ll let you know” I'm sure the disappointment was clear on my face as I realised my fantasy was going To have to remain a fantasy. I was not going to see her naked. As she left the room my cock had already started to deflate. Relief. He begins slowly, pushing his swollen cock in and out of my mouth. I taste him, his salty sweetness, my favorite flavor. He fucks my mouth like it's his job, I feel his cock sliding down the back of my throat. Before long his thrusting slows and gets harder in and out of my mouth. He lets out a moan, holding his cock in my mouth as he cums down the back of my throat. Pulling slightly out of my mouth, allowing me to gasp for air. Slowly and gently he moves his cock across my tongue and lips. Willingly I lick and swallow every drop of him. He pulls out of my mouth, grabs my chin, lifting my head so our eyes meet. Looking up at him, he takes his still hard cock, and taps it on the side of my face a couple times and tell me I was a very good girl. He sat back in his chair, I eagerly climb back on top. Sliding down on that hard cock slowly, my juices already dripping down the sides of it. Gripping every glorious inch after inch of that gorgeous cock as it slides into my warm wet pussy. .
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